Saturday 22 August 2020

Full Stack Web Development for Beginners- Part 1: HTML, CSS, Responsive Design

Full Stack Web Development for Beginners- Part 1: HTML, CSS, Responsive Design

About This Class

Welcome to Full Stack Web Development for Beginners!

This course is designed to teach beginners everything they need to know to build full stack websites and applications!

This is part one of this huge course, teaching you all about HTML, CSS and Responsive Web Design.

We begin with a little background into HTML, what it is and how it came about.

Then we take a deep dive into learning about how to use HTML, learning things such as:

  • Setting up a HTML project
  • HTML Structure
  • Headings
  • Div and span elements
  • Adding text and links
  • Formatting text
  • Lists
  • Images
  • Semantic elements
  • Comments, entities and symbols
  • Tables
  • Forms and inputs
  • Iframes
  • Integrating Google Maps

All of this while building a Tech Store project.

We then move onto styling with CSS, covering:

  • What is CSS
  • Inline, internal and external stylesheets
  • Fonts and colors
  • Classe's and id's
  • Margin and padding
  • Block, inline and inline-block display types
  • The CSS box model
  • Styling lists and links
  • Psuedo classes
  • Float and clear
  • The position property
  • Styling forms and inputs
  • Specificity and the cascade

We then take the project even further by learning all about responsive design to make your websites look great on all size devices.

You will learn about:

  • What responsive design is
  • The viewport meta tag
  • Scalable units 
  • Fluid layout
  • Media queries
  • Mobile first styling
  • Styling for all size devices
  • Picture element and srcset

This first part of the course covers all of the fundamentals you need to go on to building full stack websites.

In future parts we will cover lot's more including:

  • CSS Grid and Flexbox
  • Bootstrap 4
  • Javascript
  • The terminal
  • Node.js
  • Express
  • Working with API'S
  • Mongoose
  • Mongo DB
  • And so much more
Download Now - 5h 36Mins

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